NASA awards 4.6B lunar vehicle, TCOM buys Equinox Innovative, 14B Coast Guard BL MSS RFP, Army drone racing, Jacobs Amentum mega merger
Raytheon was given a $40.5M contract by the United States Navy for Controlled, Advanced, Distributed Radio Frequency Effects (CADRE) effort.
Edgesource has acquired Newbrook.
TCOM L.P. has acquired Equinox Innovative Systems.
GovBrew Insider Opportunities
US Coast Guard (IT Services $500K+)
Treasury Dept recompete report, DOD commercial space strategy, HHS one stop cyber shop, CISA regulations, Havana Syndrome, DARPA to shield AI
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems was given a $561,461,733 contract by the United States Army for Gray Eagle technical services.
DISA new intel unit, Park Place buys SDV, Synergy ECP buys SoftTech, VA CFM Project Mgmt RFI, CIA podcast on AI, GovCon codes
Department of Labor (IT Services $2M+)
Sayres Defense buys Global Systems Tech, first Artemis III lunar instruments, CIA Moscow terrorist warnings, AeroStar acquires Near Space, DARPA moon train