General Dynamics Information Technology has secured a contract valued at $2.5B granted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services through the Indian Health Service.
Army Intel Apps RFP, GDIT wins 2.5B HHS HIS EHR system, AI deepfake detection, space junk cleaners, GAO building GenAI tools, FedEHR State of the System talk
TransDigm Group Inc. has entered a definitive agreement to acquire CPI’s electron device business.
TransDigm buys CPI subsidiary, SSA Dynamic App RFP, SEWP VI proposal tips, Gaza space imagery, China’s microchip, USA drone shot down has acquired Pangiam Intermediate Holdings
HHS Recompete Report, BigBear buys AI vision Panigiam, Contract negotiations with AI, The Fed gets AI incubator, spy at DOS, CDAO procurement forum
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (IT Services $30m+)
Peraton Inc. has secured a contract valued at $2.8B granted by the Department of the Air Force
CMS forecast update, DHS cyber eval factors, DIA’s AI database, NIH new Deputy CIO, Peraton wins 2.8B USSOCOM SITEC3, social media security guide
SR Technologies has been acquired by Eqlipse Technologies, a portfolio company of Arlington Capital Partners
Summit 7, a leading provider of cybersecurity and compliance services for the Defense Industrial Base, is proud to announce the acquisition of CSW Systems
Nuclear gravity bomb, DOD requesting deepfake tech, Summit 7 buys CSW Systems, Eqlipse buys SR Tech, Polaris protest about JVs, Senate approves military posts